About Lotte

My name is Charlotte (Lotte) Wagner, I live and work as a freelance illustrator in Dortmund, Germany.
I studied design and illustration in Dortmund and Bergen, Norway. From 2001 until 2007 I chaired the silkscreen workshop at the Fachhochschule für Design in Dortmund and taught several classes in design basics at the Akademie für Druck+Medien Nord-West in Lünen.

I illustrate for many publishing houses and companies. My main subjects are creating characters and hidden object images (wimmelbilder), activity books, editorial illustration and spotillustration. Some of these projects I do in cooperation with cartoonist and illustrator Ari Plikat. My books and illustrations have been published in many countries and different languages.

In August 2019 I have taken over the leadership of the long-established drawing class "Die Rendsburger Zeichnerei" (Das grafische Trainingslager an der Eider) in Rendsburg, Germany. Furthermore, I teach workshops for people who draw. Sometimes I hold workshops in cooperation with other artists, for example the workshop series "Lotte's Masterclass Illustration" (Nordkolleg Rendsburg).


  • weekly spotillustration and editorial illustration for Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung since 2004
  • monthly wimmelbilder and picture puzzles for the kids magazine Olli und Molli (Sailer Verlag) since 2014
  • activitybooks, Wimmelbücher, picture puzzle books and non-books for Coppenrath Verlag, Arena Verlag, Ravensburger, Randomhouse, arsEdition, Oetinger Verlagsgruppe, moses. Verlag, Lappan Verlag, klein & groß Verlag and many more.
  • Wimmelbilder and other illustrations for Die Rheinische Apfelroute, Naturaplan (coop CH), unicef, Dortmunder Philharmoniker, Freie Presse, 112°-Medien, Allemeinekekse (personal blog)

Exhibitions & awards

  • 28 June - 1 September 2024: Die Rendsbuger Zeichnerei presents: "Das Tier des Tages", Städtische Galerie Speyer
  • 28 March - 28 July 2024: Zum Prellbock in Lunzenau: Lottes Strichelzoo - Tinte, Tiere, Sensationen
  • 27 May - 24 June 2023: "Das kleine Tusch-Orchester - Leise Striche und laute Töne": Jan Golebiowski, Ari Plikat and Lotte Wagner show comic art and crazy drawings about music at the Kunstbonbon gallery in Dortmund. 
  • 12 December 2022 - 1 January 2023: "Komisch ist Kunst": Günter Rückert, Ari Plikat and Lotte Wagner (Kollektiv KÜNST) show comic art and crazy drawings at the Torhaus Rombergpark gallery in Dortmund. 
  • 24 November 2021 - Easter 2022: "Herr Haas zeigt: Hasen". Hares and rabbits in comic art (group display with 55 artists) at the Valentin Karlstadt Musäum, Munich 
  • 2 September 2021 - January 2022: "Das kann ja heiter werden". Collective exhibition of the drawing class "Die Rendsburger Zeichnerei - Das grafische Trainingslager an der Eider", Nordkolleg Rendsburg.
  • 15 August - 10 October 2021: "Trio mit 4 Stiften" - Samy, Lotte & Ari show comic art and crazy drawings. kunstwerden e.V., Essen  
  • 19 September 2020 - April 2021: Island of Föhr, Friesenmuseum "Alles, Alles Gute" - competition and exhibition of cartoons, comics and illustrations with the subject "Möwen. Müll. Und Meerjungfrauen." First prize award in the category "Illustration".
  • 12 September - 18 October 2020: "Lotte&Ari-Budenzauber", Kunstbonbon, Dortmund
  • 8 August - 23 October 2020: "Lotte&Ari-Havenrundfahrt", Havengalerie, Bremen
  • 5 March - 25 October 2020: "Das kann ja heiter werden". Collective exhibition of the drawing class "Die Rendsburger Zeichnerei - Das grafische Trainingslager an der Eider", 262 postcards drawn and sent to each other by 65 artists, Caricatura Museum Frankfurt.
  • Solo exhibition at Caricatura Galerie Kassel / Kabinettausstellung "Tiere mit und ohne Hose", 2019
  • Solo exhibition at Galerie Dieter Fischer "Frisch getuscht", Kulturort Depot, Dortmund 2018
  • Participation in international exhibitions for cartoons and comical art e.g. in Kyoto (Japan, special award), Expo 2000 (Germany, special award), Goethe Institut Damaskus (Syria), Knocke (Belgium), „Alles, alles Gute“, Föhr (Germany). 

Lotte is member of:

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