Original artwork for sale!

My Inktober 2022 series is for sale! 

All drawings are on Din A 5 mouldmade paper. I used black ink, pencils and coloured pencils. Each drawing costs 190,00 € + shipping. If you're interested in any of these original pieces, please contact me via email: lotte@lottewagner.com. You can see all available Inktober 2022 drawings here: Allemeinekekse.de.

My Inktober 2022 series is for sale! 

All drawings are on Din A 5 mouldmade paper. I used black ink, pencils and coloured pencils. Each drawing costs 190,00 € + shipping. If you're interested in any of these original pieces, please contact me via email: lotte@lottewagner.com. You can see all available Inktober 2022 drawings here: Allemeinekekse.de.

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